Wednesday, January 30, 2013

85 Things about my Granny

My Grandmother recently turned 85 years young...or in her words "sweet sixteen and holding"! I always tell her she's been holding for a mighty long time! ;)  We decided to get together with some of her church friends and family to surprise her on her birthday. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to honor her with 85 things that she taught me, or that remind me of her. Some of this list is serious, some is funny, some will make no sense to anyone else but me, but all in all this is my memory of my much as I can put on paper anyway. Here it is, in no particular order. Enjoy
Granny's reaction to seeing her friends surprise her for her Birthday!
I've often heard people speak well of others after they have passed. I told a group of friends and family that my desire was to honor my Granny on this day, her birthday, for all the years she has honored me by being in my life.

Here is my list, my Granny...

1. The most important thing my Granny taught me was about Jesus.
2. She showed me Love, she taught me Love.
3. She taught me the true meaning of Family
4. To always have a genuine concern for others
5. To have a Love for words/and to use a dictionary to look them up.
6. If I was sick she always took care of me, and still does.
7. To enjoy a cold Pepsi in one hand and a York peppermint patty in the other.
8. To appreciate good Bible teaching including the book of Revelation
9. To never litter, it's rude and lazy: this is God's creation, honor it.
10. To follow the Holy Spirit's leading to speak/pray with someone even in a public place like the mall or the grocery store
11. To love to serve people even if they are homeless, smell different, and have nothing to give back to you
12. How to wash clothes and iron: even though I never iron anymore
13. Her love of flowers even though I didn't inherit her green thumb or knowledge of flowers
14. Her knowledge of every kind of bird imaginable
15. Her steadfast faithfulness to her family
16. Family Sunday dinners every Sunday
17. Homemade fudge, the best!
18. Homemade, rolled out chicken and dumplings
19. That she can NOT make biscuits that are consumable by man OR beast, true story!
20. That singing at the top of your lungs -in or out- of key is fun
21. That talking to yourself is OK, as long as you also tell yourself to shut up afterwards: (hmm)  
22. To always be ready to help others, no matter what the need is
23. That the safest place in the middle of a storm is inside the hall closet... Don't ask
24. That even though you go through hurtful things, that you can still love people
25. That hard work is ok at any age
26. That time goes by in the blink of an eye
27. That heaven truly gets sweeter as the days go by,
28. And that I want to meet the people she knows (and talks about) who are there.
29. That giving never (ever) goes out of style
30. Love for all God's creation except for creepy crawlys! (snakes, yuck!)
31. To be in prayer for people and things that most others don't notice
32. Prayer in general!
33. To be aware of politics and our government
34. That no matter what I can always go "home"
35. That even though I'm grown, I'm not. (Ha!)
36. That she will always worry about me
37. That she will always tell me to lock my doors in the car even though they lock automatically: true story! 
38. That she will worry herself silly if I sneeze funny or don't eat all my food, but will be completely opposed to going to the dr herself: such a very true story!
39. Her love to send cards and thank you notes
40. Her ability to smile in public as if she didn't have a care in the world
41. I'm amazed how people are drawn to her
42. She has shown me her love of teaching God's Word, and I admire it.
43. She demonstrates her love to read the Bible and other books about God's word
44. Her love to study the Bible (which is not the same as reading it)
45. The importance of always having toilet paper in the house: true story, don't ask! ;) 
46. That visiting the elderly/ nursing homes is important
47. That Christmas is always the best time of the year
48. That a real tree will always better than a fake tree
49. That colored lights never go out of style
50. That candles are a must have, along with oil lamps
51. That she will always wash dishes by hand despite having a dishwasher: such a true story!
52. That she loves to savor gifts which drives me bananas because I want her to get to them right away ;)
53. That she will always drink coke no matter how much I want her to drink water
54. That it’s OK to have a conversation with someone who isn’t there, especially when you're calling them on the phone: (just take my word for it!)  ;)
55. She loves the seasons of the year and is always surprised to see the trees, flowers and leaves bloom again.
56. She will put her (fresh) coffee in the microwave because it’s not hot enough from the maker.
57. She will toast her bread in the oven because the toaster doesn’t get it "done" enough: true!
58. That walking down the hall singing/screaming at the top of my lungs is "normal": true story!
59. That no matter how many times I show her how to use the ATM she will still have me do it, but she will sit and explain all of the book of Revelation (prophecy) to me: TRUE story!
60. That what is done for the LORD should be done right and in order, it's all for HIS glory.
61. To always enunciate my words when talking or singing
62. I've learned that she is really, really funny ;)
63. She loves decorations, especially Christmas ones; and the tree will stay up for months! ;)
64. She always agrees to sew on a button anytime we need it. And yes, I do ask time to time!
65. That Hershey bars will always be found somewhere in her bedroom: totally a true story!
66. That even though she is sitting next to me I will have to repeat myself upwards of 4x, yet she will hear my every word from another room! ;)
67. That Granny and Santa Claus have the same signature!
68. That just because you are in your 80's doesn't mean you are old or act old
69. She will always put on way to much cologne before leaving the house: HA! true story ;)
70. To savor a tasty coke icee
71. To give without question of return
72. I've learned that she is tough
73. I've learned that she is tender
74. She taught me that all life is precious and should be fought for
75. To always have a firm handshake, it makes you appear confident 
76. She will always ask me if I need anything...
77. To always have respect for my body and make others respect it too
78. To be sentimental about people and even some things
79. To always be particular and pay attention to the details.
80. To always have compassion for everyone in need, don't judge.
81. That the Holy Spirit is real and powerful, use Him.
82. Her name is true of her character: Elizabeth means: "God's promise; God is my oath"
83. That loving people means letting them leave- but never letting them go. <3
84. That everyone else loves to call her Granny too!  -Very true story! <3
85. And last, but not least...That angels are truly among us. <3


  1. I loved her anyway, but looking at her through your eyes has made me fall in love with her. What a precious lady. How I would love for her to mentor me, yes even at my age. LOVE! the treasure HE created.

    1. You can borrow her any time! As long as I get her back! ;) She is a treasure indeed. I can't imagine my life without her. We should all have the chance to see ourselves through the love in other's eyes. Maybe then we could get a glimpse of how GOD truly sees us.
